Thursday May 20, 2004

I took in a shipment of new Dells for Meyer classrooms today right at noon.  The driver beeped constantly as he backed up slowly onto the delivery ramp, but bikers continued to weave around it, rushing off to wherever, seemingly oblivious or apathetic toward the danger of dancing around a multi-ton vehicle.  The driver got visibly upset, muttering that “kids got more sense in the f-ing ghetto!”  It may well be true.  I see people walking around campus, crossing streets with their nose buried in a book all the time after work.  Sometimes they don’t even take one good look before crossing a busy intersection.  I bet a lot of truck drivers are tense these days, considering the news this driver shared with me.  “Don’t you people know a professor just got struck by a water truck on campus two days ago?”  I had no idea.  But I went and looked it up.  Wrong campus, but the idea stands.  What a sad way to die: Berkeley Professor Killed By Water Truck

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  1. wow. that’s really sad…

    i think being a driver on stanford campus has made me a more careful biker. it’s really hard to see bikers (especially at night), and they bike really fast and seemingly pop out of bushes. i’ve almost hit people several times, and i’m a relatively careful driver.

  2. i agree… so incredibly sad! 🙁 driving around stanford at night is definitely freaky… bikers NEVER use their lights! i quickly learned that at the very least i should hold up a flashlight if biking around stanford at night! at cal, pedestrians rule the way… even harder to drive around there… i was just telling my roommate how in nc, you have to watch for deers and squirrels, but in ca, you watch for people!

  3. ooooh dear. is it horrible that i’m fighting the impulse to snicker? killed by a water delivery truck?? that just sounds so… comic! i guess that’s pretty sad, though. i’ve definitely had my share of woops-almost-hit-a-pedestrian jam-on-the-brakes moments, and i live in a town where a pedestrian or two gets struck every month or so on average (i consider it recompense for the fact that my town doesn’t have any highways and so no major car accidents for me to go to). pedestrians and cars just weren’t meant to share roadways )=

  4. yeah, it’s pretty sad, but true. Whenever I drive up there, it reminds me to be a better biker. It’s so annoying how bikers on campus tend to think that they own the place or something and they can go wherever they want, however they want. *sigh*

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