Singapore Photos Series 3: Tea Ceremony

This entry assumes you’ve already caught up on Singapore Photo Series 2: Bartering for the Bride!

When we last left off, it was still unclear whether Seiwei would actually win Steph’s heart by his valiant efforts through the tests of courage.  Finally, we enter the inner chamber…

Success!  Here Seiwei and Steph apparently perform an Irish (or Singaporean) Jig to celebrate.  Either that or Steph is tossing the bouquet already.  I’m not sure.

Wait, it’s not over yet!  Unexpectedly, Seiwei whipped out a few sheets of paper and started reading aloud something he called, “A Public Letter to Steph.”  It touchingly recalled the struggles and the joys that the two of them went through in the past 5+ years, and served as a final and personal statement of Seiwei’s desire to be married to his true love.  Not a dry eye was left in the room.

And, no, it was still not over.  Yes, this may seem like Seiwei is skipping all of the formalities and going right to the garter toss, but he’s actually washing Steph’s feet as a symbol of his devotion to her as a servant-leader, following the example of Christ himself.  In addition to the lack of dry eyes in the room, there were lots of sniffly noses, no doubt.

Next up, the Tea Ceremony!  In this event, Steph and Seiwei serve tea to all of their relatives.  In exchange, the relatives will give them lucky money in a red envelope as a sign of their blessing.  Rumors have it that one of the envelopes given to Seiwei didn’t contain money — only a note that said, “From now on, you’ll have to ask Steph for your spending money”!

Best Man Brian was stationed as the keeper of the red envelopes.  As you can see, he had to stay on his toes to fend off his raving fans.  (But you know they were just after his money.)

We have evidence that this tendency to grab for red things starts at an early age…

Andrea faithfully wipes the sweat off of Brian’s brow after all his work guarding the booty.

Lunch had barely started when Brian resumed planning the next event of the wedding with the guys.  Friends, Brian is a PRO at this stuff.  He just never quits!

However, I think Galen is about ready to quit after that last bite.  Try blowing on it first next time!

Baby can’t figure out why Blackberries have to be so COMPLICATED.  She just wants to send out an email!

Okay, this is wedding reporter Kenneth signing off.  Almost forgot to mention how the guys wanted a “God of Gamblers” hairstyle for me.  At first, they wanted all the “brothers” to spike their hair UP like a faux hawk.  However, after 5 seconds of torturing the gel, they quickly concluded that was NOT an option.  =]  Anyway, what do you think?  Yea or nay?

Now, move on to Singapore Photo Series 4: Chili Crab!!

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  1. NAY, your hair looked like Data from star trek.

    Thanks for the pictures, I’m really happy to see Seiwei and Steph married. Singaporeans are hard-core intense!

    Also, I have to say, Brian is the man.

  2. Yah…Brian definitely knows what he’s doing. He’s thinking of hiring himself out as the best man at future weddings. But I think not. He needs to focus on becoming the groom. Hehe..he…he…umm…yea. 🙂

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