Win Prizes for Searching Google

A friend of mine just won a freakin’  42″ Plasma TV from Blingo for doing absolutely nothing.  (She opted to take the $1200 instead.)  Now are you ready to try it out?  =]

If you still haven’t heard about it:

-Blingo is essentially just a skin for Google, so the search results are the same.  You can keep all of your regular search habits.
-It doesn’t cost anything to you as the user whatsoever.
-The “catch” is that Blingo earns money from Google every time you search.  So Blingo encourages more searching through its site by awarding crazy prizes at random to its users.
-If you win, the friend who referred you wins the same item also.  Some of my friends are EXTREMELY lucky, hehe.
-You can add Blingo as your default quick search box / toolbar / homepage.

My record so far:
+ 12 prizes won (including $50 cash, movie tickets, and Amazon gift certs) since Aug 2005.
+ 10 prizes won by a friend I referred (so I get the same prize too)

Want to try it out?  Sign up for Blingo!


P.S. As you may have figured out, no, I didn’t win a twin Plasma TV through this friend.  She was the referrer in this case!  The next one’s mine!  =]  (And yes, the screenshot above is actually a simulated image, since the Plasma TV was won already by the time I posted about this.)

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    heheheheh Blingo is SO real. :]

    Aughh, I’m SO excited you got a screenshot of 10/26 b/c by the time I thought to do one, it was already 10/27 with new prizes. 😀

    Thanks so much for your comments on my Xanga! Not that I write for a response, but it’s nice when people share their thoughts with me. (: You pose an interesting topic in Christian marriages.

    I guess my best answer is that it is NEVER a “Christian” duty/right to stay in an abusive relationship. With our limited knowledge of God’s character, we can say that wouldn’t make sense, right?

    For marriage, the Bible gives us grounds for divorce or for leaving only for unfaithfulness. I thinkk. So instead of leaving, the battered needs to make provisions for his/her physical safety, as well as for the children if they exist. Then bring others to help with counseling for the family… um, if things still don’t get better… I really don’t see why s/he should stay in that relationship.

    Yikes. Bad answer. I really don’t know. I am no Marriage and Family Therapist… this is me thinking off the top of my head.

    What do you think?

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